Roman Adds Showering Range to 20-20 Software

Leading UK shower manufacturer and designer, Roman Limited has joined 20-20 Technologies, which will see their entire range of Shower Enclosures, Bath Screens and related showering products being listed on the design service’s software, Fusion.
20-20 Fusion is becoming one of the leading names in bathroom planning and many of Roman’s key retail partners already use it to create virtual bathroom designs for their customers. Roman has responded to a number of requests from customers to join the service – having already listed products through another leading design service for many years now.
All of Roman’s ranges are now available on the software, from their indulgent Sculptures range, through to their high quality and affordable Haven range. Roman’s wide range of Shower Valve options and high quality Shower Accessories are also available through the software.
With the Fusion design package, retailers can create photo-like bathroom designs as well as generate and play movies, allowing their customers to take a virtual tour of the bathroom design.
David Osborne, Managing Director at Roman, commented: “One of the services which can really set highstreet retailers apart is offering a bathroom design service. As a UK manufacturer we understand the importance of this added value service, so making our portfolio available for use on planning tools is something which we support as a supplier.
“At Roman, many of our enclosures feature totally unique footprints and designs, so having our products available for retailers to access when designing bathrooms, is essential. Further to this many of our designs are ‘solution’ products, for interior design problems. Sometimes it can be difficult to communicate this via traditional display settings. Products such as our Colossus or Trapezium work off minimal wall space with footprints that ensure they avoid windows and door frames, whilst delivering a huge active showering space. The 20-20 bathroom planning software can really demonstrate to customers how these products can work in their space.”
Simon Purves, Independent Sales Director of 20-20 Technologies, said: “The whole 20-20 team is dedicated to working closely with the widest range of manufacturers possible within the bathroom sector, are we are delighted to now include Roman as part of our portfolio. This ensures our software offers the biggest choice of manufacturers’ ranges and options to deliver accurate catalogues, designs and pricing to our customers.”