The Four Pillars of Roman’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

The Environment

We will seek to minimise waste, reduce energy consumption and pollutants, whilst striving to develop strategies that work towards the aims of a circular economy.

We will work closely with our suppliers and ensure they have an equal commitment to environmental management, and that we all continue to develop sustainable strategies for the future.

We will achieve these aims by compliance with our EN ISO 14001 E.M.S

The Roman Family (Workplace)

We understand that the development of our employees is vital to our success and look to continuously develop our people. Along with a strong ethos of promotion from within we offer vocational training on the basis of abilities and qualifications. We aim to support our employees to reach their maximum potential within the company and on a personal level.

We are committed to the health and welfare of our staff by following best industry practice.

Social/Community Activities

We have close links with County Durham Community Foundation and fund various local charities through the creation of an endowment. We also support a number of local sports teams and individuals both within the company and the community.


Roman committed to uphold responsible and fair business practices. Our core values are to promote and maintain the highest level ethical standards in relation to all of our business activities.

Our reputation to maintain lawful business practices is of paramount importance. We strive to preserve these values and as such have a zero tolerance policy toward bribery and corruption. We are committed to act fairly and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships.